
XP:My repeat CS-went into labor first

My repeat CS was scheduled for Nov. 12th, which would have been 39 weeks 2 days.  Sunday the 4th DH and I ran a bunch of errands and I was having a hard time keeping up and overall I just felt bad.  DH got the car seat bases in, and we put up PNP and did a few more things to get ready for baby.

At some point during the night, around 11 or 12am I started having contractions, although I wasn't sure that's what they were since I had a scheduled CS with DS!  They were coming every 10-20minutes and I just kept timing them till DH got up for work at 5a.  In the meantime I was packing my bag because I hadn't done that yet.  So I tell DH to go to work and I'll call dr office when they open at 8a.  I call and they tell me to go to L&D and I'm sad because my dr isn't on call and I'm also afraid they are just going to send me home and I didn't want to look stupid, but at this point the pain is getting worse.

DH meets me at the hospital around 9am. I get hooked up and they take a urine sample and it shows high ketone levels so they are thinking I'm dehydrated so they give me a liter of fluid, check my urine again and it still shows ketones.  So they give me another liter.  Do a cervical check and I'm 80% effaced but closed.  Contractions are even stronger, and they were hoping they'd subside after fluids.  So they start a 3rd liter.  Dr comes into see me and explains they don't like to do CS before 39 weeks (at this point I'm 38 and 2 days), but wants to check me again to see if I've progessed.  If I have, she wants to do CS.  So she says, "I feel baby's head" lets go ahead with CS.

I get to OR pretty quickly, overall I was in triage for about 4 hrs.  CS went great, had a beautiful baby girl. 7 lb 1oz, 20 3/4in.  I can't get over how tiny she is, DS was 9lb 6oz.   Entire hospital experience was pretty great overall.  I can't believe I actually went into labor tho, I thought I would avoid that since my CS was scheduled.  You never know!


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