July 2012 Moms

I fell!

OMG- I fell and cant walk! I missed a step and fractured my ankle. I went to ER, they gave me a splint and crutches and told me to call an orthopedic Dr on Monday. This stinks...how am I going to take care of LO? My DH is helping (alittle) but you know how guys are! He even said that he didnt "need this" now...whatever! Im the one thats hurt!

The ER gave me percocit. They told me to stop breastfeeding with it and pump and dump, wtf? I was given percocit when I had LO for my csection, I dont have to stop nursing. I called Pedi and confirmed. They said its fine to continue to nurse.

Any nurses here? How long does a fracture take to heal? The ER Dr said he see's a small chip but the ortho might see more. Im a SAHM with 3 kids, this blows!

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