July 2012 Moms

interview update/WWYD

So the interview was tough, hour long panel interview with advanced excel test. I think I did pretty well but the VP asked a quedtion very carefully and slowly, rewording a few times that instantly made me feel awful....he said

"your current position is hourly so you work your 8hrs and leave but this is a salaried position so you would be required to work long nights and some weekends etc, are you ok with that?"

At the time I lied and said no problem, I can arrange pickup daycare or bring laptop home.......... but I thought about it and I barely have time to do anything even working only 8hrs a day. Do I really want to sign up for more? Now? So I talked to my mom who works with me and DH and I think I should withdrawl my app. WWYD? Wait and see if they offer or withdrawl?
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