
Finally 'happy' with my scar ...

After my first c-section, my scar became a keloid and I hated how it looked. I was actually embarrassed for my then H to see it and when I became a single mom and started dating, I was terrified that I would have someone else see it! Thankfully I ended up finding my perfect man and it never bothered him. With this pregnancy, I asked my OB if she could 'fix' it or make it look better and she said she would do the best she could, but sometimes it will keloid again. I had my 6 wk pp appointment yesterday (for some reason I had it a week early) and she took the rest of the glue off for me and when I came home I shaved (finally!!) and I'm happy with the turn out. She did have to lengthen the scar a little, but my scar is now so thin that I almost have to look closely to see that it's there. This totally helps with my body issues and it's one less thing I worry about...now it's on to getting my pre-pregnancy body back!! 
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