Dads & Dads-to-be

5 Thing Thursday

This week, frankly, I can't come up with any questions... I've got a rambunctious toddler tearing around the family room, so this week it is all up to you to come up with 4 things.  I have 1 question.

Here is mine:

1) What would you say to a one week 5 Thing Thursday where your wife/fiancee/girlfriend answer questions instead of you?   It would be a one week thing, not a running thing, but thought it could be an interesting experiment.

2) As stressful as last week was, fortunately this week has been much improved.  My dad was released and given medication that will hopefully do the trick, my sister survived the hurricane with nothing more than lost power for a day.

3) We went in for a 3D/4D elective ultrasound yesterday to see our 2nd child.  Got the confirmation that we are indeed having a boy, got to see him moving around, yawn and the like.  My almost 23 month old kept staring at the screen on the wall saying "Baby".  It is almost like he gets it, but I'm sure he has no idea what he's in store for.

4) My son is all boy... he loves playing with cars, sports (he already gets into his version of a 3 point stance in football where he squats down and puts both of his index fingers on the ground) and just runs around and is a big, unrelenting ball of energy.

5) We hit week 23 this week, so we are officially viable if for some horrible reason she would go into labor.  My wife officially scheduled his birthday (c-section date) this week, so unless he's like his brother and decides to come early, we know when he'll be born.


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