Pregnanct after a Loss

Beta Doubling Question

Yes, I've been here 5 minutes and I am already needy.  Let.  The.  Obsessing.  Begin.

Before bothering you all I tooled around Beta Base to try and reassure myself that doom is not the only outcome since my second beta did not "truly" double from the first -- it went from 147 to 284 in 48 hours, or a 1.92 (instead of 2) multiple.  Beta Base doubling calculator says that means doubling occurred in 50 hours. 

I know, on a rational level, that I need to let this go until I get a Dr recommended 3rd draw later this week...but I can't.  Its just 2 more hours, or .08 of the multiplier, right?  It could mean nothing.  But of course I worry that it could mean something.

Has anyone not "truly" doubled with beta #2 and knocked it out of the park with beta #3?  Or anything similar.  Anything at all.  I'm not picky.

Sorry to be a pain so early in the game.  I will try to keep these psychoses in check.



BFP #1 5/2010 - Missed m/c at 8 weeks
BFP #2 2/2011
Baby G welcomed with love and relief 10/2011
Surprise BFP 1/8/2013...say what? EDD 9/16/2013

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