
Food allergy or just a phase?

Hi.  I'm wondering if you ladies can help.  Starting this past Saturday, my son has been spitting up much more frequently (most of the time undigested milk), and has had two large spit ups (maybe about an ounce each of milk that had already traveled to his stomach).  He's also been fussing more frequently during feedings (pulling away while still showing hunger cues, whimpering, letting out little cries), has been much more gassy, and has had an increase in BMs.  They are normal BMs though (no mucus, green color or blood).  I've also noticed that he has a little redness near his anal opening; pretty much has always been there but now I'm thinking it may be connected.  Also, he used to always wake up congested until we started using a humidifier.  No fever so I don't think it's a virus.

Thoughts as to if this could be allergy related or a phase?  He'll be 10 weeks tomorrow for those on mobile.  Should I call the pediatrician? 

Lilypie First Birthday tickers
6 weeks 2 days
November 7, 2012
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