Dads & Dads-to-be

Desperate for some advice

I need some advice from a man's point of view.

My DH and I have a 2 year old and I am 25 weeks pregnant with our second child.

Two weeks ago, we had a huge fight that almost ended in a separation/divorce.

We talked for several hours a day for a week straight and finally, he agreed to give our marriage some time so that we could try to work on our issues.

Fast forward to this past Saturday, he left for a conference in Vegas. Kissed me goodbye, told me he loved me when he left, texted me when he got there, all fine.

The rest of the trip has been NO phone calls whatsoever and just these sort of "polite" texts. No "I love you", no emotion whatsoever.

I've tried calling him twice and he hasn't answered. He texted me a few hours after I called him yesterday and basically said he was busy and what did I need.

I know he probably is busy but I can't help but think he MUST be cheating on me while he is out there. He's never given me any reason to think that he would do that but I can't help thinking that maybe he decided to do it this time and that's why he hasn't been contacting me except for these polite texts.

Any thoughts? I know there's nothing I can do about it if he is, I just don't know why he would when we just agreed to work on our issues and our marriage.

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