
Need advice

I'm 6 months pregnant with my first baby. This is all new to me and I have never cared for a child and I know I will be overwhelmed at the begining since I will basically won't know what I'm doing. But I hope to be somewhat prepared. I want to breast feed and need all the advise I can get.

When do I start to pump? This is somewhat confusing to me and not sure what to do. Do I pump to get more milk- if so what do I do with the milk- freeze it? How long is the frozen milk good for? Some websites say to introduce the bottle/pacifier after 6 weeks and just breast feed until then.  

Is there a way to prepare my nipples so there is not so much discomfort? Do the nipple shield really work?

What are the most recommended pumps- I registered for the Medela Style in breast pump. Is this a good pump?

I'm sorry if I sound like an idiot. But I want to do the very best for my baby and breast feed him as long as possible. I don't have anyone to ask other the my ob, I just want some real advise from real moms.

I would LOVE any and ALL advise I can get!


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