July 2012 Moms

PW: Tell Me About Your Cell Plan

My Verizon plan was up a month ago.  Oops. 

I'm now looking for a CHEAP, basic plan.  For the phone, I don't like texting but people txt me all the time.  I'd like it to have a camera. I want a phone to be a phone.  I refuse to pay for internet on a phone when I pay for internet at home.  I'm old and cranky when it comes to techie stuff.

Please rec your phone & plan.  Right now I have 500 min, free in-network calling, 100 texts for 2 people to share and its $70.  I'd love to cut expenses; I found a Virgin mobile plan (1500 min, 1500 txt, $30/month) and I like stuff like that.

What do you have?  Is it worth having?

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