
six Weeks..suddenly spitting up

We ebf and In the last few Weeks my daughter has started spitting up. This Week seems really bad..tonight especially its Been after every fed and this last one it was five times. I had a coffee and a diet coke today..I normally don't do a lot or any caffeine. Could that be the cause?

She just went through a growth spurt and I wonder if she was gulping. Another thought was perhaps she is over eating. I know this is rare with bf babies but she recently has started eating longer and seemingly demanding to go back to the breast ten mins after finishing.

I've tried burping her more and most of the time she has been spitting up instead of burping. I don't believe its dairy as I've eaten less dairy lately then I was before she started spitting up.

Anyone have any ideas? Could it be an age thing? She does seem to fuss when she needs to burp / spit up but doesn't show any other symptoms of reflux..though I have struggles with reflux myself for many many years.
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