
Low supply

My LO is 2 wks old today- In the hospital I had to supplement w/ formula d/t low bloodsugars to avoid NICU .it worked- his sugars were good.

He has a great latch and I would still nurse in the  hospital.  Once we got home, he lost too much weight

 I met with the LC who found he wasn't getting any milk during the feeding when I nursed him during the appt.   

Since then I've been pumping 8x/day and feeding him formula and pumped milk until I can get my supply up for him to BF.  I tried reglan to up my supply but that didn't work.  I can't take fenugreek b/c I had GD.  I am eating enough and drinking at least 6 containers of my 700ml water bottler per day.  

The most I get when pumping is 1-2 oz per day.  my left side will produce usually 5 ml per pumping session, right is usually 10 ml.(but not every session).  sometimes I just get a few drops after pumping.  I do all the pumping during the day so I can sleep at night or just wake up to feed him. 

I don't think my supply is going to improve -- anyone had success with supply improving after 2 wks?  Any tips?  

I feel like all I do is feed him or pump all day and only have less than 2 oz of BM to show for it.   

Surprise BFP after 5 yrs of TTC
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