
Milk not fatty enough?

I found out DD was milk protein intolerant when she was around 3 months old. I cut all dairy from my diet, and we EBF and are just introducing solids. She was weighed yesterday and is just 15 lbs 2 oz, and dropped from 50th percentile at 4 months to just 10-25th at 6 months. I am so worried! There is very little fat in my diet now that I am dairy free, could this be affecting the quality of my milk? I pump plenty so know it is not a supply issue, and DD nurses about every 2 hours during the day and wakes 2-3 times a night. I don't know what else it could be. The dr wants me to supplement formula, which I don't want to do but obviously will if I need to. But any thoughts on the slow gain? Ideas to fix it without formula? TIA!
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