Cloth Diapering

DS on augmentin...

do I use Nysatin as prophylaxis to keep him from getting a yeast infection?  He is teething so super sensitive down there and he is on a big dose, 6 ml 3 x a day for 14 days because he has been battling being sick all winter. 
Former name = GLUCA IVF #4 DS 11/28/09 Lilypie Second Birthday tickers TTC#2 IVF#3 ER 2/9/11 ET 2/12/11 Beta 1 12dp3dt 51; Beta 2 16dp3dt 449; Beta 3 19dp3dt 1406; Beta 4 23dp3dt 4115; U/S 3/15/11 6w6d HB 135 EDD 11/2/11!!! Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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