
Anyone else having to deal with everyones annoying opinions on c-section (rant)

I'm having an elective c-section based on the size estimate of my baby and the complication that could arise should a natural birth go wrong  (things like brain damage, permanent nerve damage and broken bones) I also know his size is an estimate and could be off by several pounds but I'm not willing to take the risks.

I know I've made a decision in my sons best interest but  some people (mainly my husbands friends some even men) Keep saying rude things like doctors say those things to scare you, fat squishes so he'd be o.k. Did you see the business of being born elective c-sections are unnecessary. And you'll regret it afterwards.

It's really getting under my husbands skin and I just keep telling him it's none of their business. And how would we feel it our child suffered brain damage because we decided to go with our natural birth plan  Its not worth it. If he comes out 8 pounds instead of 10+ I'm not going to regret it because I know i put his safety ahead of my own wants

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