
Breastfeeding classes

I'm a FTM and I plan on breastfeeding for the first few weeks and then pumping for when I'm gone for 10+ hours at a time at work and hubby is able to feed him. We're looking into birthing classes at our hospital and they offer breastfeeding classes. We're already going to be taking a labor + delivery class in addition to a newborn class (my hubby has never even held an infant!). We are very tight on time and money and are not really sure if we should take the BF class or not. Our hospital offers a lactation consultant to help with the feedings at each feeding and to teach us tricks. They also offer a lactation hotline for when we come home and are having issues.

Have any of you taken a breastfeeding class? If so, (I already know what the answers will be) do you think it was worth it? If you didn't take a BF class, do you regret it? We're you able to feed without issues? Did your hospital offer a LC for after birth? We're you able to take enough information away just from the consultant after the birth?

Thank you!! :) 

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