June 2013 Moms

Baby is starting to look like a baby!

I went for an ultrasound today. Baby is doing great! I went in at 6w3d and all we had was the little blob on the screen but today at 8w2d we have a baby! Head, arms, legs, and even the little dark spots resembling eyes :). I am on CLOUD 9 right now!! I stared at the u/s picture all the way back to work (DH was driving ;). Dr said the baby is measuring 5 days bigger so we are in the 97% for size. My husband was so excited about this! She wants to still keep the same due date of June 9th even though I am measuring big. I had a mc before we got this far along in my first pregnancy so I am so encouraged to know that this baby is growing strong! 

On a side note, my nausea and fatigue has subsided a good bit. Anyone else feeling better yet? Maybe I am just having a good couple days and shouldn't get too excited!

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