2nd Trimester

freaking out and annoyed

So my life feels like it is falling apart. my dad got diagnosed with bladder cancer 2 months ago, they attempted surgery Monday and the tumor was not operable. so now chemo/radiation and who knows?

on top of this, my baby has been measuring small for the past 7 weeks.  I was originally having identical twins and one didn't make it.  This baby is measuring in the 1st percentile- her stomach is on the small side, and other parts of the body a bit better. They tell me it could be just a small baby OR my placenta not working well and she will stop growing and they will deliver early OR genetic issues (not picked up by amnio since i had one). And then the doctor this week had the nerve to tell me when I said I couldn't deal with the stress between the baby and my dad, that stress can play a role in a smaller baby, etc.  

She was NOT reassuring and just had me terrified. This is not my regular OB- who I see next week. THis doctor is at the high risk place I also go to.

Just needed to complain. I feel like she is going to be just fine and these visits are horrible for me. Up until now, there is nothing they can do anyway since I am only 24 weeks.


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