
Q: I have a 9 mo. old. Can I cut out 1 pumping session?

I have a 9 month old.  She's EBF in the sense that she's never had formula.  She is eating a lot of normal food though.  She gets whatever we eat in smaller portions and chopped up in little pieces :)

She is an amazing eater.  She also still BFs a good amount.  She only takes 2 bottles of BM from the nanny during the day for a total of 10-15 oz.  But she BFs as soon as I get home at 6 pm, and again several times at night before sleeping.  She sometimes wakes around 5 am to eat, and BFs before I leave for work at 8 a.m.

I pump at work at 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.  At 11:00 a.m. I get about 5-6 oz.  At 2 pm I only get maybe 4 oz.  

I DESPISE my second pumping session.  I can deal with the morning one, but the afternoon one kills me because I don't get much and I feed her anyway as soon as I get home.

Do any other moms of 9 months old or older babies only pump once a day at work? Do you think I can get away with it without losing a lot of my supply?  Remember I BF as soon as I get home and plenty through the night until she goes to sleep at like 9:00 p.m.

I want to definitely BF past a year.

Thanks in advance for any input at all.

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