
Need help with breastfeeding difficulties....

I posted this problem a few days ago, but have noticed a few changes so I thought I would post again...

My baby (10 days old today) has been tugging and pulling on my nipple when nursing from my left breast. I try to get her to nurse from my left side just as much as my right side, but she seems to get so frustrated and sometimes starts crying. Yesterday I noticed that my left breast is much softer and smaller than my right (which is so full most of the time it's painful!) seems to be "emptier." I can still express milk myself, but it definitely doesn't come out as easily as in my right breast. 

I have made another appointment with the lactation consultant on Thursday, but I'm worried about my milk supply. I still try to get my baby to nurse from my left, but she just gets so frustrated...its not relaxing for either of us! Any tips or tricks I can try? Should I be pumping (I haven't purchased a pump yet...going out tonight to do that!) 

Thanks for any help or suggestions you have!  

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