
Fussing at breast then refusing

I've had an overactive letdown (no oversupply - just a really forceful letdown) from the beginning.  DS is 11 weeks old in 2 days.  He had pretty much gotten used to my letdown and would just pull off for a second until it died down some, latch back on, and eat happily.  Now, all of a sudden in the last 4 or 5 days, he is sucking until letdown, then pulling off in frustration when the milk lets down, then he latches back on for a sec, then back off, then back on, etc. etc. until he finally quits all together.  I try to put him on the other side and the does the same thing. 

I'm afraid it's going to hurt my supply (if it hasn't already) and that he's not getting enough to eat now.  It does seem like he's been working on some new developmental stuff because in the last day or so he has started cooing and noticing toys and stuff so I'm hoping maybe it's just a growth spurt?  

I have two other very small little ones at home and I just really don't have time to try to nurse him AND pump behind that.  Any advice or does any of this sound familiar?  How long did it last?  TIA!

Born 8/8/12 - 38w0d - 8lbs, 19.5in
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