
I think I'm getting the hang of this!!

My LO will be turning 1 month tomorrow!! =) Boy how time flies. We've both had a bumpy road down the BF lane Indifferent I think we're FINALLY coming into our own thank goodness! I've been to a  BF class before birth and a LLL meeting & met with a Lactation Consultant after birth. Every last one of those were LIFE SAVORS !! OMG, before going to the LC I was SO confused and starting to want to give up. After talking with her, I felt SO much better!! She gave me reading materials, and lots of things to help with the process (coverup, BF arm band etc) Baby && I are starting to get the hang of this thing!! Cool The bonding experience is just sooo wonderful. I'm so glad I made the decision to at least try the BF & actually going through with it. It was hard in the beginning, but I'm glad I didn't give up! Actually tried pumping the other day (had to bring LO to daycare for a couple hours) It was so wierd. Felt like a cow being milked Huh? LOL but at the same time it was so amazing to be able to do something like that. It was a manual pump the Hospital gave me, though. I think it's save to say that I'll be getting a double electric pump before going back to work!! haha
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