
Still having issues

I'm proud to say I've made it six weeks of breastfeeding!  I am happy to have made it this far but I am still having so many issues.  Latch problems from the beginning, mastitis, thrush, trying to wean from the nipple shield twice, and still so much pain!  I don't have any pain when using the nipple shield but it's just so inconvenient, messy, and takes her forever to eat.  I know I shouldn't have pain when i'm not using the nipple shield so obviously her latch is not as good as it looks.  I can't tell  you how many times i've looked up websites about latching and it's still not working.  I finally made an appointment with an IBCLC for Tuesday and I am really hoping to get this figured out.  I can't wait to be able to breastfeed without the pain.  

For those of you who had issues breastfeeding did meeting with an LC help you?  It's pretty expensive but I'm willing to pay for it if it will help.  I met with several LC's at the hospital after she was born but I kinda felt like they were rushing me because they had so many other new moms to meet with. 

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