
Is it possible...

to get a 5 month old baby back on the breast after EPing all this time? I'm going to start seeing an LC who is up for the challenge. Tomorrow is my first visit. I did try and offer her my breast today and she just looked at it like, what the heck is that thing? I've been giving her half a bottle and then offering breast all day but she's pretty confused and also gets mad when I take the bottle away. I also have a 10 oz oversupply so I'm concerned about her getting too much foremilk if I ever got her to latch. Is there any hope? I only work 2 days a week so I'd be able to work with her all day. Do you think it's cruel to try this so late in the game? I feel bad taking the bottle away when she's still hungry and then she's too frantic to even try my breast. What do you all think? Should I even bother?
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