
Foremilk/hindmilk imbalance

DD is 2 weeks old. I was initially nursing 15 min per side, because that is what I was instructed to do in the hospital. I started feeling like she wasn't getting satisfied and was worried I wasn't making enough milk. I spoke to a LC who told me about hindmilk and suggested I stick to one breast untilit is drained and then offer the other. I started doing this on Sunday. Since then, after reading more on kellymom, I have noticed her poop is sometimes green and slimy and she is very gassy and fussy and her poops are often really loud, which I read an imbalance can cause. However, they also refer to it as an oversupply, which I don't feel like I have. I pump in the morning after the first feeding and only get around 10 ml.
Has anyone else experienced this? I don't know if these are all normal things and I am reading too much into them or if it is something I should be concerned about. I am new to breastfeeding and feel like I have no clue what I am doing sometimes! Thanks!!
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