
how long will it take???


So I started doing one breast per feeding on Fri afternoon in an effort to improve poops since LO was still pooping green. I think I might have foremilk/hindmilk imbalance. Anyway, we are still getting green poop with the occasional yellow poops. Seeds are present with most of the poops but the color still doesn't seem right. During the day LO feeds around every 2 hrs but at night goes more like 3-4 hrs between feeds. I am worried it's tricking my breasts to not know how much milk to make and then making too much foremilk still. Am I doing the right thing? help...i am desperate to get this to work. LO typically "nurses" for 30 min but that's because that's what I was instructed to do to properly drain the breast. I would say active drinking though for only 10-15 min. Help. UGH

4 yr old, new baby born Fall '12 & 2 losses
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