
Any LO have a very strong, active gag reflex?

Come to find out, DS "great" latch turned out to be not-so-great after several days of nursing. It went from the usual pain and tenderness of new BF to toe-curling, excruciating, screaming, crying pain. (I posted about it on here once or twice) I got the award for the worst, most mutiliated nipples one LC had ever seen! After seeing 4 LC, we finally were able to determine that DS has a very strong gag reflex. For a correct latch, my nipple needs to go past this reflex to prevent DS from pushing it forward and causing the pain/bad latch/etc. The LC who discovered this basically said we need to work some magic (aka: we need a miracle) My nipples are pretty flat already so I dont know how on earth we could venture past that reflex. I've been EP for the past 2 weeks to let my nipples heal and they are finally almost there. However, the thought of putting DS back to the breast makes me cringe! EEK! The big question, the reflex is still on earth would he ever have the right latch? I cant go through all this again.

Has anyone else ever experienced this? Did this strong reflex ever diminish over time?

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