

I'm so confused! I have been breastfeeding for 3 months and it seems that all of the sudden my milk is drying up. I should say that I had problems breastfeeding from the beginning and I never made enough milk to exclusively breastfeed. But when the baby was given formula, I always pumped after I fed her from the bottle in order to increase my supply. She always got about 75% breastmilk until about 4 or 5 days ago.

But, to put it in a nutshell, I only recently started breastfeeding for the majority of her feedings. I had previously been mostly pumping because we had never established a comofortable latch. Now that I am breastfeeding more than pumping it seems that when I do pump, I get almost nothing! It took me 4 pumping sessions to get 4 oz yesterday! And when I pumped at work today I couldn't even get a 1/2 ounce from both breasts combined!!!! It had been 4 hours since I breastfed her!!!

 I'm on the verge of tears because I am not ready to be done with breastfeeding. I am taking Fenugreek and drinking tons of water. I am afraid that I am just "drying up". Is this even possible? Can your body just change and stop making milk?

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