
LO not drinking thawed BM at DC

LO is 15mo.

She's only had BM (no WCM yet).  I stopped pumping ~5 weeks ago so now we're just using up the ol' freezer stash until we switch her to WCM.  We send 6oz per day, b/c I froze 6oz per bag. 

The teachers say they're tossing most of it b/c she just doesn't want it.  Obviously, it is only "good" for 24 hours so it's not like they can save it for the next day.

I pumped a few days ago and sent fresh BM, same story - just not interested.

Is she "reverse cycling"?  (Is that even possible for a 15mo?)  She nurses at 4pm, 7pm, and once overnight (which we're working on eliminating).  She is sleeping when I leave for work.

Should I just start the switch over to WCM and donate this BM?  I feel like it's being wasted anyway.  I know LOs don't NEED WCM (she eats yogurt, cheese, etc.) so we could just do water while at DC?  I think my BM might have excess lipase - would it still qualify for donation through HM4HB or EOF?

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