
I don't understand!

I made the difficult decision yesterday to pretty much EP after too many BFing struggles and no improvement.  For over a week I have been keeping up with DS with BFing attempts and pumping he hasn't had formula in over a week, with BFing and then offering a bottle until he is full.  So he is used to bottles.  Well today we just took out the BFing step and he has been eating ALL day!  In preparation for EPing and DH going back to work today I decided to do a super pumping day and try to get ahead, but instead he went through what extra we had managed to save, plus all I have pumped today, plus now is on a bottle of formula! I don't understand...he has only been sleeping 1-1.5 hrs between eating at least 2 normally more like 3 oz.  This is a really discouraging start to EPing...I have been on the pump ALL day, more than every two hrs in an effort to get ahead and beef up my supply and now I am behind.  Any advice? Ideas about WTH is going on??
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Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Married the love of my life 7/11/09
Our first baby, Peyton Mark, was born sleeping 10/25/11 at 33 weeks
Our second baby, BFP 2/4/12, welcome to the world Raylan!

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