Dads & Dads-to-be

Help this mom

My DH and I have a 12 month old at home, and twins on the way. I have been on hospital bedrest since last Tuesday, and will be here until I deliver. The hospital is about an hour from home, so DH has been trying to get here 2-3 times a week with our daughter to visit, but it is hard with his work schedule, and not throwing off DD's schedule too much. Prior to bedrest, I took my daughter to daycare, picked her up, fed her dinner, and mostly bathed her, due to my DH work hours. He has since adjusted his schedule, and has been doing a great job with her, along with working his second job on weekends, and keeping up with housework.  I would love to do something special for him, or get him a nice gift to show him how much I appreciate all of his hard work during this time. He's basically been playing the role of single dad, and will do so until I am home from the hospital, which could still be a few weeks. I figured there is no better place to ask for suggestions than from other dads. So, if you were in this situation, what would you appreciate from your wife/partner? Thanks!

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