
Are we past the point of no return? LONG

I posted a question to EP'ers on my BMB and was encouraged to post here.

DD has had problems BF'ing since she was a few days old.  We first gave her a bottle around 4-5 days old after she was up all night screaming from hunger, yet only latching for a minute before pulling off and continuing to scream.  I can handle the screaming, but knowing that she was going hungry was too much to bear and I had to feed her by any means possible.

We've had our ups and downs since that day.  Some days she would nurse very well, and the next she'd have more screaming episodes while she refused to eat.  We've seen LCs at my birth center and talked to our pediatrician.  We have a pretty good latch and my supply is decent, so they can't explain why she is so lazy.  We've tried the nipple shield but she doesn't seem to get anything from it, and the milk doesn't pool where it's supposed to.

Now, she will nurse for maybe 5-7 minutes on each side, but only be sucking and swallowing for a few minutes of that, and the rest of the time she'll suck me like a pacifier.  I've had to give her bottles after every nursing session for the past few days and she drinks 2-4 oz each time.

She's such a happy baby now that she's eating more, but it breaks my heart that she's not getting it from my breast.  At this point though, it more important to me that she gets my BM, even if it comes from a bottle.

Has anyone gone through this and come out on the upside?  I'm still offering her my breast at each feeding hoping that it'll click one day, but I feel like we're too far down the slippery slope to get back to BF'ing.  Am I destined to be an EP'er?



Emilia Antoinette
10.03.12 at 41w5d Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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