
LO eating too much!?

i've been trying to get my supply up, so in the meantime i've been supplementing with formula. i went to the LC and she told me to only supplement if LO looks like she hasn't had enough. well, i noticed that EVERY time i breastfeed LO, she ALWAYS seems unsatisfied (i know for a fact i make a decent amount because when i pump afterwards, i still make around 2 oz). i offer her 2 oz of formula after breastfeeding and she downs that thing fast! i hear her gulping and swallowing each session so i know she's at least getting SOMETHING. then afterwards she either doesn't want to burp, spits up, or throws up! am i feeding her too much? what am i doing wrong? it's as if no matter how much milk i give her, she'll just continue eating it.
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