

I breastfeed my baby, and I've recently come down with a bug. So I send SO to the pharmacy to get me some OTC meds, and made sure he told the pharmacists that I'm BF, so it needs to be something safe. He comes home with what they told him was the "safest thing for the baby".. I take one without really realizing what it is and nurse my son.. Then I take the second (when I'm not so delusional) and see that the pharmacists gave my SO ASPRIN!! Seriously? Your job is to know simple things, like that Asprin is NOT good for nursing babies!! I was so freaked out. I didn't BF for 24 hours and I pumped and dumped all that day. I'm fighting the urge to go to that pharmacy and give them a piece of my mind, but that's the closest pharmacy to my house, and I don't want to have that awkwardness when I go in to get my scripts.. But seriously guys? Oh, and to top it all off, the decongestant in it would have seriously decreased my supply, I found out at my doctor's appointment.

Needless to say, I'm furious and I really hope that the one time nursing him after having taken it didn't affect my son at all. 

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