
Nursing Fail....kindof (vent)

In the last week, I have switched to only nursing at night and morning cuz LO seemed to be doing better drinking from a bottle.  By better I mean she was taking longer naps, going to bed earlier like between 9-10pm and seemed happier in between feedings.  We also switched cuz it seemed like she was not getting enough from the breast as she would be hungry in less than two hours.  Anyways, so now I only nurse if she wakes up in the middle of the night and before I go to work in the mornings.  I pump before I work, then twice at work and once or twice in the total pumping is about 4-5 times.  I am barely getting enough to satisfy her demand consumption and my freezer stash is decreasing rapdily.  I should mention that her intake has increased over the last week as well....She now requires about 4 oz every feeding.....I just feel like I am doing something wrong. 
I try to eat as healthy as I can, but it doesn't seem to matter.  I have been taking the fenugreek and drinking the mothers milk (not consistently though) still nothing has changed.  I don't want to supplement with formula, but of course I will if I have too as I won't let her starve.  This is so frustrating...the pressure we moms put on ourselves.
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