

I apologize if this has been posted a bunch of times before, as this is my first time to the board.  I'm a STM who had baby on Sunday. My first was a preemie and so I had to pump until he was with me full time.  I am lucky to have a very good milk supply with both kids and it came in yesterday this time around.  My problem has been though that I make too much for them too fast.  My first was able to cope with it but it took us about 6 weeks of really struggling to get it down (in part b/c he was a preemie).  This baby definitely wants to breastfeed and likes it but seems to be having a hard time with how much milk I produce and is having trouble latching b/c my breasts are gigantic right now and when he does get on it seems as though I'm dumping it into his mouth.  I have pumped a few times in order to soften the nipple so that he can latch, but I don't really want to keep that up b/c I'm worried that it's going to lead to more milk production (which is in part what happened with my first).  So I'd really appreciate anyone's advice as to what I can do to calm down my supply so that baby #2 and I can enjoy it more and so it's not so painful for me!  Anyone have anything similar happen and/or suggestions?
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