
Boob Pain and pumping

I don't think its my nipples that hurt, more the muscle underneath and I'm guesisng it stemmed from the hour long feeding session DD2 had around dinner time.  To give my boobs some time to heal, the past 3 feeding sessions, DH has fed DD2 pumped milk and formula, so that I can rest my boobs, and I've just pumped for 10-15 minutes.  (I just pumped for the 3rd time and I can already see a dip in production bt that's a whole other post).

Question is, i can't tell what hurts.  Is it my nipples, and something like a soothing gel pad or hydro gel could help, or is it more just from the suction and I need to be patient and use ice packs/warm showers or is it just something my body has to get used to and I should just put DD2 back to the boob? 

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