March 2013 Moms

Feeling guilty...just venting

So I have my anatomy u/s next Wednesday and am very nervous as a FTM. DH is the only boy of four children and each of his sisters has 1 boy each. We both are very excited and quite simply want a healthy and happy baby. But we are both deeply wishing for a boy! Embarrassed My co-workers keep saying they think I am having a real justification as I am 18 weeks and still hardly showing. So part of me thinks they are saying it because they know I am hoping for a boy, but with it being a week away I feel really guilty for feeling this way. We have names picked for either way, and honestly I think the girls' name is cuter, but with DH being the only male left to carry on the name I really want to continue the line!

Does or did anyone else feel the same, that they were hoping more for one sex than the other? Or am I alone?

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