March 2013 Moms

when did you start showing?

Who is showing? When did you get a bump?

I am one of those "lucky" women who carries extra weight in her stomach, not hips. So basically, I always look somewhat pregnant. I have gained some weight and my stomach has grown a little the past few months, but that could easily be attributed to my new carb heavy diet :( I'm starting to feel like I won't be able to tell when I have an actual real bump and it's not just extra fat.

Besides personal vanity, there is a point to this question. I'm going backpacking in 2 weeks and trying to decide if I can wear my backpack with the waist strap. I've done it before just fine around my overweight belly. But, everything I've read online says that once you start showing, you don't want to use that strap because it basically puts the weight of your pack directly on your uterus. Without the strap, that will be a lot of extra burden on my shoulders. The thing is, I have no idea if I'm showing or not :( Sooo... I guess i'm just trying to get an idea of the average.

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