
1 year of (semi)successful BFing!

I honestly cannot believe that I am writing this post! I used to read similar posts and think this would never happen, but we have made it to 1 year! It has not been easy and I cannot say DS has never had formula, but I am thrilled nonetheless! I battled Mastitis early on which actually landed me in the ER because of my 105 degree fever, we passed Thrush back-and-forth for almost 2 months (which is why I gave him formula once in a while when the thought of nursing made me cringe). I lost my supply almost completely when he was 3 months but pumped, ate oatmeal, pumped some more, used fenugreek, pumped even more for several weeks, and finally reestablished it! DS is currently nursing about 4 times a day, and I think I will start weaning him soon and hopefully be down to a morning and night feeding by 18 months (I have a mild case of baby fever and am waiting for AF to return).

To the mamas who are just starting out who think a year is impossible... don't give up! These last 9 months (after resolving those issues) have been incredible and we now have a strong bond that everyone notices!

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