March 2013 Moms

Had a scare today...

I woke up and ate breakfast and then went to use the bathroom.  I noticed there was some brownish blood in my underwear.  I then went to wipe and saw some more.  I immediately panicked and called my husband and then called the doctor.  My doctor's office is amazing and they had me come right in.  I got to listen to the baby (who was very active).  The nurse practitioner then checked me out.  She said that the baby is going through a growth spurt right now and that may have caused things to shift and thus caused old blood to come.  She was not at all worried but said if I have this for the next week then they will do an ultrasound to determine where it is coming from.  So, any of you ladies have/had this?  I totally freaked out but am glad that everything is OK and that I got to hear the heartbeat (high 160s).
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