March 2013 Moms

Anyone still hiding?

Is anyone else still hiding their pregnancies?

I have told everyone except for work.  Everyone was told that they could not post anything about this on Facebook to avoid spilling the beans that way, and I did tell my supervisor (just in case there was an emergency).

I am waiting for a raise that my boss agreed to to become official, but our bookkeeper is out of the country for 2 more weeks (I have already been waiting 3 weeks, I can't believe he just let her take more than a month off). I do not believe that he would honor his agreement to the raise based on the fact that I asked for a raise right before I got engaged, and since he had heard that I might become engaged, he said I didn't need a raise because it was my husband's duty to take care of me (I know, I know, dumb to stay at this job, but unemployment in my field is like 40%). He is severely anti-family, and I do not plan on staying after the baby comes.

So, I find myself at 18 weeks, definitely showing, still trying to hide it for 2 more weeks at work.  I really wish I could tell already so I can make myself more comfortable!  I really don't see any way of hiding this 2 more weeks...

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