
String coming out of my nipple???

Hey there, hopefully you all can shed some light on a weird situation I've got going on. I've noticed since I started pumping that when I'm done on the right side, I have a weird gooey string thing coming out if my nipple. I've never seen it after LO is nursing, but I'm assuming he ingests it while nursing? Anyway, it's only ever been in the right and that is definitely my worse boob... LO has more trouble latching and it is so cracked and scabbed and still bleeds sometimes. I thought it was getting better but it still hurts like crazy! Has anyone had this happen? I'm thinking the pump is drawing out the scab or infection or something, but have no clue! I asked my pedi about it today at our appt and he seemed clueless but not alarmed... I'm not working with a LC or anything and bfing has been going well so far, LO is gaining and eating like a champ! Any ideas? It really freaks me out to see it coming outta my nip!
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