Pregnant after IF

Third beta and the end of PIO!

Hi everyone,

I had my third and final beta today at 5 w 2d with a result of 4100. I thought that looked good until I used one of those stupid beta calculators and saw that the doubling time from my last beta (last Thursday with a 442) was 52 hours! I thought we were looking for 48 hours or less doubling time? Between beta 1 and 2 it was 36 hours. But then I saw that maybe the hcg increase slows as the level rises? I know I'm being obsessive but how can you not? My ultrasound 6/3 is soo far away!

Also tonight is my last PIO injection. I mentioned at my blood draw this morning that I was having a reaction that I thought was related to the band aids after the shot but a nurse checked it out. When my nurse called with the results she said she would switch me to crinone. Not sad to be done with the shots since recently they have left welts and been super itchy/rashy but I hope it's enough progesterone to keep things moving along! Anyone else switch or have a rash?  

Me:30 low AMH; DH:30 MFI (count, motility, morphology) 2 rounds clomid 100 mg -BFN IUI#1- 25 mg clomid- July 2012= BFN! IUI #2 August = BFN! IUI #3 September = BFN! IVF #1 November - converted to IUI #4 = BFN IVF #1.2 February 2013 clomid +gonal-f *trying to keep hope* Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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