July 2012 Moms

Mesh Bumpers

After quite a few nights of going in to my little guys room and body parts sticking through the slats, I bought a mesh crib bumper from BBB.  I know they aren't recommended by the AAP, but they also aren't said to increase SIDS like the regular ones.  Just for kicks I put it up to my own face and it was fine, I could breathe through it with no extra effort whatsoever so it seemed like a good way to keep him in, but not obstruct his airflow. 

After reading the post about the 7mo old that just passed away I am rethinking my decision.  I am not one to worry or freak out (we dont even use a monitor b/c he is right across the hall and I can hear him/wake up if he cries or even whines/fusses) but hearing that its 50% more common in boys, between the age of 2-4mo and in the winter, has me worrying.  I feel like I have 3 whammys right there and its making me worry. I feel like I would rather him have body parts sticking out than risk losing him to SIDS.

Thoughts/Opinions? Do you use one, will you use one? Should I just chill out? lol I really hate that I read that post, I bawled my eyes out at work thinking of what I would do had that happend to me.

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