
Block feeding [xp from Sept '12]

My forceful letdown and oversupply are frustrating both of us. He is clamping and crying and latching and unlatching a ton and spitting up tons from all the air he is swallowing, I'm crying and in pain emotionally and physically. We both end up crying, sweaty, tired and upset after a feeding. I've looked up everything I can about my issues on Kelly mom and the only solution left is block feeding. The thing is it says to only offer one side [I is all he ever wants] and only feed from one side for 2 to 3 hours [thats usually how long he goes between feedings though unless he's going through a growth spurt]. I don't know how to work block feeding if we are already kind of doing it. Any advice?

[we nurse reclined every time, I've done hand expression a few times before a feeding only for it to make matters worse, we've seen a LC 3 times and his latch is fine, no tongue tie or thrush, etc.]
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