Cincinnati Babies

BFing/supply issues

I'm finally home and headache free for 24 hours!  Still having some back pain from 6 or 7 different needles in my back..but it's good to be with my boys finally!

Unfortunately due to being in the hospital and away from Levi for almost 48 hours I'm having some supply issues.  I was BFing him for the 3 1/2 days I was with him before I went back into the hospital, but because we had to do it laying down I don't think he was latching that well.  I wasn't able to pump/nurse for those 48 hours, but we started back up last night when I got home.  He's doing better latching on with me being able to sit up, but he's pretty lazy since he got used to the bottle for those 2 days.  He's willing to breastfeed, but he falls asleep quickly, and I don't think I'm producing much now.

Earlier today I fed him from the left side, then 2 1/2 hours later fed from the right and pumped the left....I got a few drops, that was it.  Does anyone have any tips on trying to reestablish my supply?  I never had any issues with Noah so this is all new to me.

We're having to supplement with formula right now because he's still under his birth weight and still a little jaundice.  I'm not against switching him to formula if that's what he needs, but I just want to try to make BFing work....I'm just angry that we had to go through that separation and it could cause us not to be able to BF.  Ok vent over....

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