1st Trimester

just need to talk...

Hey ladies - 

First a quick history: My last normal period was July 30th. I stopped my birth control (in the middle of the pack) mid August as DH and I were on our honeymoon and wanted to start trying to conceive. I got sick with e-coli a week after our honeymoon and talked to my doctor about the meds I was given and told them about us trying to conceive. They had me take a pg test - which was negative at the end of August. September 26th, I took 5 at home pg tests and they were all positive. (Most likely conceived on September 7th. - making me approx 4 or 5 weeks pregnant) 

I had my first ultra sound today. What she saw on the ultra sound was about 5 weeks. Cutest little bubble I've ever seen. 

Because of my chaotic cycle (not having a period since July 30th because I stopped my pill) she had me do blood work to make sure my hcg levels double in the next two days. I go back on Wednesday night to do the same blood work. If the levels increase, that's a good thing. If they stay the same or decrease...that's NOT a good thing.  

Now...I'm worried. Why would she have me do blood work if she didn't see anything in the ultra sound to make her nervous?

I did take a at home test this afternoon...and one of the lines was a bit weaker than the last. Does that mean my hcg levels are already decreasing?


Anyone else experience this?  

Married 07.07.12
BFP #1 EDD 06.04.13
Beta #1: 20,560 @ 20DPO, Beta #2: 37,945 @ 22DPO
U/S #1: 4w6d - too early to see baby, U/S #2: 6w2d - we saw the heartbeat!
*So thankful to God for blessing us with this miracle*

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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