1st Trimester

Can I just be excited?

I know I'm pregnant, but for some reason am going to remain somewhat in disbelief until that first u/s and will probably remain nervous - well, until the baby gets here.  In addition, DH and I have agreed not to tell anyone until the 2nd trimester and I am not good at being quiet. 

So in an effort to keep myself and DH from going nuts I'm going to introduce myself and interact with you ladies on 1st Tri and be excited and try to ignore my fears.  This is my second pregnancy, I also have 3 year old boy/girl twins. I haven't set a ticker yet but right now I'm 5 wks.  I'm seeing a Reproductive Endo. and so far the numbers are coming back promising - but like I said, anxious for the first u/s. 

I wasn't working during my first pregnancy (had been laid off just prior).  Now I'm back to work and realizing how hard it is to conceal a pregnancy.  For example, the espresso machine makes me want to vomit, my nipples hurt from the air conditioning, I've made the bathroom trip six times already today, and I cry everytime I read a news article online.  It may not be an issue to keep my mouth shut for two more months, the symptoms may give me away.

Background: Dx with PCOS 11/08. IUI #1 w/follitsim and trigger = B/G Twins, born 8/09 at 33 weeks. TTC #3. Round 2 of Letrozole and TI. BFP Due June 7, 2013 Diagnosed with missed miscarriage 10/30/2012 at 8 1/2 wks.
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