1st Trimester

For those who have had u/s, bowel issues?

My first appointment with my OB is this Thursday, I'm not sure if I'll get an u/s at this appt but I'm hoping.  Here's the thing: I had an abdominal and transvaginal u/s done a year ago when I was diagnosed with PCOS.  The tech kept mentioning during the transvaginal u/s that she was having a hard time capturing a good image because the bowel was in the way (I hadn't evacuated my bowels before, and I was kind of embarrassed).

So now that I've got first trimester constipation issues I'm only going every other day.  Did anyone else have issues with their bowel getting the way of their u/s?  Should I fiber it up the day before and hope for the best?  I know this is a very awkward question but TIA

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